
In modAL, the base active learning model is the ActiveLearner class. In this short tutorial, we are going to see how to use it and what are its basic functionalities.


To create an ActiveLearner object, you need to provide two things: a scikit-learn estimator object and a query strategy function (The latter one is optional, the default strategy is maximum uncertainty sampling.). Regarding the query strategies, you can find built-ins in modAL.uncertainty, but you can also implement your own. For instance, you can just simply do the following.

from modAL.models import ActiveLearner
from modAL.uncertainty import uncertainty_sampling
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

learner = ActiveLearner(

If you have initial training data available, you can train the estimator by passing it via the arguments X_training and y_training. For instance, if the samples are contained in X_training and the labels are in y_training, you can do the following.

learner = ActiveLearner(
    X_training=X_training, y_training=y_training

After initialization, your ActiveLearner is ready to ask and learn! The learner keeps track of the training data it has seen during its lifetime.


To teach newly acquired labels for the ActiveLearner, you should use the .teach(X, y) method. This augments the available training data with the new samples X and new labels y, then refits the estimator to this augmented training dataset. Just like this:

learner.teach(X, y)

If you would like to start from scratch, you can use the .fit(X, y) method to make the learner forget everything it has seen and fit the model to the newly provided data.

To train only on the newly acquired data, you should pass only_new=True to the .teach() method. This is useful when the .fit() method of the classifier does not retrain the model from scratch, like in Keras.


Training is also available with bootstrapping by passing bootstrap=True for learner.teach() or In this case, a random set is sampled with replacement from the training data available (or the data provided in the case of .fit()), which is used to train the estimator. Bootstrapping is mostly useful when building ensemble models with bagging, for instance in a query by committee setting.

Querying for labels

Active learners are called active because if you provide them unlabelled samples, they can select you the best instances to label. In modAL, you can achieve this by calling the .query(X) method:

query_idx, query_sample = learner.query(X)

# ...obtaining new labels from the Oracle...

learner.teach(query_sample, query_label)

Under the hood, the .query(X) method simply calls the query strategy function specified by you upon initialization of the ActiveLearner.

The available built-in query strategies are max uncertainty sampling, max margin sampling and entropy sampling. For more details, see the Uncertainty-sampling page.

Query strategies

In modAL, currently there are three built-in query strategies: max uncertainty, max margin and max entropy, they are located in the modAL.uncertainty module. You can find an informal tutorial about them at the page Uncertainty-sampling.

Prediction and scoring

To use the ActiveLearner for prediction and to calculate the mean accuracy score, you can just do what you would do with a scikit-learn classifier: call the .predict(X) and .score(X, y) methods. If you would like to use more sophisticated metrics for your prediction, feel free to use a function from sklearn.metrics, they are compatible with modAL.